After the Black Friday Crazies, Breathe, Enjoy This Three Book Giveaway

Posted On Nov 30 2017 by

Black Friday is over along with the craziness.  Breathe.

To sooth your soul, I’m giving away the Kindle versions of my three print books.  Zero Dollars, Pounds, Euros, etc.  A great price.

I want you to have them, because they’re great books.  You can use the wisdom therein to be happier and more present.  It’s my gift to you this season.

My last, The Twenty Second Smile, contains lots of wisdom and makes a great coffee table book.  It might be my best book of the 18 I have published and certainly the most accessible.  It summarizes everything I’ve learned in over four decades of my spiritual practices and from helping clients.

I recommend you get all three of the Kindles and all three of the print books.  They make lovely coffee table books.   You’ll like them even better by your bedside.  Read a page, be happy, be inspired, go to sleep.

Give the Gift of Soul

In this Holy Day season, you can give a gift of soul.  Give these books to people you care about.

Here Are Your Books:

Drawing_the_Sacred by Seattle Life coach William Wittmann

Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey   Paper Back Version       Kindle version



Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life   Paper Back Version    Kindle version

the twenty second smile by William Wittmann Life Coach SeattleThe Twenty Second Smile: Plus 97 More Engagingly Playful Strategies to Help you be Happy, Wild, and Free

Kindle Version   Paperback Version –Very pretty book to own.

Giveaway –

Go to the links and pick up your free Kindle versions from December 2 2017 to Dec 6, 2017.

Please, pass this opportunity on to your onto your friends.

And, please consider writing a glowing reviews of the books.

Here’s one from Kathy for The Twenty Second Smile:

My life is in transition and given the current political/world climate on top of that, I’m going through a lot of uncertainty right now.

William’s wisdom and compassion have always helped me help myself, so when I had an opportunity to buy the paperback version of this book, I didn’t hesitate. I got the book this week and thumbing through it, the art delighted my spirit.

I appreciated the introduction to many pieces of art that I had never known about. And William’s 50 words with each picture were perfect for helping me gain perspective and validation (I know, a vastly overused word).

The book makes me smile and puts me into the present moment, a very restful place to be.

Get the Kindle version if you want it immediately, but if you’re a book-lover like me, seek out the paperback version.

And another

This is a beautiful book to speed read and to read slowly with delight.  It is beautiful in its perfect words, thoughts and images. 

Blessings of the season,


P.S. you can find all of my books here: Amazon Author Page

Last Updated on: November 26th, 2017 at 4:23 pm, by William

Written by William

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