Most of my clients and my loved ones are suffering from Donald Trump’s predations, an internal war. People find it hard not to get caught in the swirl of lies, unfairness, and general meanness. People have to scratch the itch asking: What’s happening? What’s he done? What have they done?
“Freaking out” we used to call it.
Quit it.
Drinking a bowl of green tea, I stopped the war. Paul Reps published this in his sweetly potent book, Zen Telegrams that he wrote it during the Vietnam War. I read it in my 20s . It changed my life. And this telegram remains a puzzle, defying logical answers – How can I stop the war as I drink green tea?
The ritual of preparing and then drinking green tea allows you to get centered. Grounded. Calm. It is a way to be mindfully in the present moment. Then you can accept what is, in this moment. From there, you will know what needs doing and you can go about doing it.
When we’re caught in loss and grief, we often feel panic and anger. Maybe denial. We don’t accept what is happening and we can’t act with clarity, and joy.
Recently on my sabbatical, I spent three days wandering in mountain meadows abundantly covered with lupine, balsam root, and other wildflowers. I consumed no news of events happening in DC. I felt wonderfully at peace. Surprisingly at peace. I hadn’t felt that calm since the election six months ago.
I recommend not following the news. I promise if something comes up that you need to act upon, someone will tell you face to face, otherwise you can be in danger of being hooked into helplessness. Anyhow, it hooks me. No news + nature = happy you.
Right after September 11, a Taoist poem was printed in the paper and it caught my spirit.
All things pass
A sunrise does not last all morning
All things pass
A cloudburst does not last all day
All things pass
Nor a sunset all night
All things pass
What always changes?
These change
And if these do not last
Do man’s visions last?
Do man’s illusions?
Take things as they come
All things pass.
You’ll have to find your own way to calmness and acceptance, you need to cultivate your own practices that heal you and resolve the losses. Find them. Think of rituals like steeping and drinking tea. For instance, any walk in nature or a bike ride will do it.
The simplest of sketches will do it for me. It matters not if the sketch is any good, it’s the process that works the magic and brings you into the sacred present moment.
It is inner stillness that will save and transform the world. – Eckhart Tolle
Be happy, wild, and free,
P.S. If you love what Donald’s doing, then substitute your own boogieman. The principle holds.
P.P.S. Note: There are two versions of Zen Telegrams – one, which has recently been reprinted, and an out of print version.
P.P.P.S. My art books will be use to you => My Art Books
P.P.P.P.S. And contact me for an appointment if that would help.