Color the Sky Yellow Book Giveaway

Posted On Jan 31 2017 by

As a birthday present to myself – number 70 – I am giving away one of my favorite books – Color the Sky Yellow: Creative Magic, Playful Art for Your Inner Child.  Yahoo. You can get it for FREE on February 1st my birthday through midnight February 5th 2017. Go for it, tell you friends => Color the Sky Yellow: Creative Magic, Playful Art for Your Inner Child You don’t need to know how to draw to get these benefits – happiness, freedom, and presence. Be happy, wild, and free, William P.S. Write a lovely review on Amazon for people. …

Book Giveaway – Summer Fun

Posted On Jul 29 2015 by

Book Giveaway – Summer Fun Starting Saturday, August 1st, 2015 at 12:01 AM Pacific time and ending midnight on Sunday August 2nd I’ll be giving you the free Kindle version of Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life.     Why, because summer is a great time to start sketching? Why? Because you like to get outdoors, and sketching connects you to Nature and the Sacred in magical ways, sketching provides a wonderful channel to happiness. Enjoy this excerpt from the book – How Does Sketching and Writing Poetry Help You? You …

Crazy No More –Three Practices That Always Work

Posted On Sep 25 2014 by

Three Practices That Always Work First, you suffer, I suffer all God’s children suffer – that is, we get caught in our mental habits of being right or wrong, making other people bad or better than us depending on the flavor of you craziness. Me? I’m just not good enough. Buddhism has a set of four vows, one of them says: The number of delusions are infinite. I vow to penetrate them all. When I feel crazy or delusions hit, these three practices always work to restore me to peace and wholeness. 1. Riding a bike – as long as …

Savoring Life vs. the Been There, Done That Attitude

Posted On Sep 2 2014 by

Savoring Your Life vs. the Been There, Done That Attitude What would your life be like if you savored your moments?  What is your life like if you live in the attitude of been there, done that, bought the T-shirt and moved on? The former feels magical.  The latter feels like a circle of hell. Do more savoring and less of the ennui of been there… You might like this film: About Time.  It beautifully explores the distinctions around savoring your moments, savoring your life. The synopsis from At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time …

Why I Recommend Poetry

Posted On Jan 23 2014 by

Today’s Oracle My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 132)    The Zen student asks the teacher, who am I?”  The teacher responds with, “Who’s asking.” The teacher responds with, “Who’s asking.” You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help.  Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down.  It will be a response to your question.  Play with it. Quotations act as little doorways into new worlds and new perceptions. They consist of distilled genius.  Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles.  …

Why This Poem?

Posted On Jun 29 2011 by

My co-author, Char Sundust, performed a lovely wedding last week.  Each of the 170 attendees received a little beautiful scroll tied with a ribbon.  And Char says, “I took one and opened it.  Inside was your wonderful Love Poem For Mature Hearts.  My heart was so moved…” Love Poem for Mature Heart Love is foolish. Certain loss waits for you. So what!? Throw yourself away, And love. Why would someone choose this poem?  Would you? Why would I write this for a couple in their 50s getting married?  How is this a blessing? Can you perceive why I designated “for …

Announcing God, Death, and Poetry

Posted On Mar 3 2011 by

There is a wisdom in the words that poets speak – the truth. This book teaches us how to access that truth.