Even the Wisest Choice May Scare the Spit Out of You
Posted On Jul 10 2019When I coach clients, I often show them how to listen to their body. The body always knows the best path to take. However, this best path may scare the spit out of you. How scared you are is directly proportional to how far away from the norm it is. We’re all programmed to conform. Conforming is hardwired at least as far back as our primate selves. It’s OK to have this nudge to conform, but you will have to deal with it. Here’s what you will be doing… Leap into the Void-1960 by Yves Klein Even when you have …
Pain and Suffering –Difficult, Difficult, Difficult
Posted On Aug 20 2017Clearly you can see, pain is guaranteed, but suffering being optional can be less clear. Layman Pang in the Zen Koan says when confronted by life, “Difficult, difficult, difficult.” You and I have long lists of physical and emotional pains in our normal lives. Worries and pains around family. Pain of aging – ours and that of our loved ones. Pains of day to day injuries, and perhaps an occasional surgery. Some of the pain that I experience comes from watching the craziness with our minority president. His statements supporting white supremacy after the Charlottesville murder of Heather Heyer by …
Why Worry? Read this tip here.
Posted On Oct 6 2016You may know that I’m a recovering worrywart. I’m fairly far along in my recovery. But I find that avoiding news coverage of things I cannot change, helps. This US election cycle has grabbed me though. I worry. It’s not good. Besides casting my vote for the candidate of my choice, and urging others to do the same, I’m powerless. In my morning meditation, this came to mind, a set of scenes from the excellent film – Bridge of Spies. I share this clip with you. I share this clip with you. Keep breathing. May you be happy, wild, and …
Learn about Fear
Posted On Sep 8 2016A friend wrote saying, “I’m freaking out about not having enough money. Lots of clients recently have experienced similar fears. My response might be useful for you. Dear Friend, We all need to find a strategy or strategies to handle fear. Your current freak out about money raises the point. What I tell clients is that the minute you know you’re scared, notice that you’re freaking out, you’re 90% home free. Until then, you’re just driven and possessed by it. The recent construction downstairs below my office put me into fight-flight that I’m still digging out of. I’m not scared …
Can’t Get Back to Sleep?
Posted On Apr 5 2016Can’t Get Back to Sleep? I rewrote, added to, fine tuned Foolproof Relaxation to make a more useful book for you – Quiet Your Fear & Get Back to Sleep: Relax, Sleep Better, and Be at Ease Anytime, Anywhere You Want. Here’s a scenario – Three AM and the demons of worry are here. “Groan!” Toss and turn. Get up. Use the bathroom. Get a drink of water. Back in bed, the fears wait for you. Still no sleep. Thoughts racing and repeating… What to do? Obviously, you use the methods you will learn in this book, Quiet Your Fear …
Lighthearted & Free
Posted On Nov 12 2013Today’s Oracle My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 338) If you bring forth that which is within you, Then that which is within you Will be your salvation. If you do not bring forth that which is within you Then that which is within you Will destroy you. – Gnostic Gospel You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help. Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down. It will be a response to your question. Play with it. Quotations act as little …
Labyrinth Insights Free You
Posted On Sep 15 2012My youngest daughter, Sasha, starts attending Washington State University as a 31 year old freshman this week. Worry is not required, but as a recovering worrier, I worry about her. One of the ways I heal myself, make myself more whole, is by making pilgrimages. Often on my pilgrimages, I find and walk labyrinths. Pullman has a wonderful labyrinth on top of a hill with 100 mile vistas looking out over the rolling wheat fields of the Palouse. Just before dawn, I walked the labyrinth each day I was in Pullman helping her move in. These insights came: “A labyrinth …
Magic Potions for Handling Fear
Posted On Jul 6 2012I wrote this for The New Spirit Journal. It’s an excerpt from the current book I’m working on – How to Overcome Fear and Stop Worrying. You can see their posting – http://bit.ly/LTcNP1. In the 1930s, English physician Edward Bach discovered a way to work with flowers that will help you gracefully handle your fears. He rendered flowers he found in his countryside into effective remedies. Now called the Bach Flower Remedies, I call them magic potions. I have used them to good effect with my family, clients, and myself for decades, sometimes with astounding results. They can make a …
Your Sweet Heart
Posted On Sep 24 2011As you know, I am a recovering worrywart. And as you have no-doubt heard, worry does not help anything. And as you also no-doubt know, knowing that worry doesn’t help, is not enough to stop your worrying. Right? What does help? This time honored meditation works. Heart Breathing Sit quietly. Phone off etc. Breathe slowly and easily. Feel your fear, your worry. See the images. Now breathe all that into your heart. I know, “Yikes.” But trust me, your heart will be fine. Let your heart soften. And continue to breathe in the worry, the fear, the pain. When …
If You Have Been Following My Tweets
Posted On Feb 25 2009If you have been following my Tweets, you have seen that I have left the Zombies and am talking about the Get Wealthy First Program. I’ll get back to my tweets in a second but first… Here’s the Premise of The Get Wealthy Program– 1. Wealth is what you have leftover beyond your money. The harsher version – wealth is what you have without your money. 2. By building on this DEEP WEALTH, you can create the time and money you want for living. 3. The Get Wealthy First Program shows you how you can • Easily gather DEEP WEALTH …