After the Black Friday Crazies, Breathe, Enjoy This Three Book Giveaway
Posted On Nov 30 2017Black Friday is over along with the craziness. Breathe. To sooth your soul, I’m giving away the Kindle versions of my three print books. Zero Dollars, Pounds, Euros, etc. A great price. I want you to have them, because they’re great books. You can use the wisdom therein to be happier and more present. It’s my gift to you this season. My last, The Twenty Second Smile, contains lots of wisdom and makes a great coffee table book. It might be my best book of the 18 I have published and certainly the most accessible. It summarizes everything I’ve learned …
Beautiful Gifts to Discover the Sacred
Posted On Dec 7 2016Consider giving the print versions of these books at the holiday. Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey Paper Back Version Kindle version Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way to Savor Your Life Paper Back Version Kindle version They’re pretty and fun. More, these books can connect people to the Sacred. What better for the holy days? One or both of these books may be a perfect fit for someone you love. Blessings of the season, William P.S. Watch for my gift to you in the next few days …
Deepen Your Topophilia – Find Heaven
Posted On May 12 2016Deepen Your Topophilia & Find Heaven I love this small park, really, just this small section of the small park by the lake. I know the crows who visit, the squirrels that hop and zip, the robins singing and hunting, the sound of the waves gently lapping or crashing in winter storms, the low clouds zooming north along the lake, the sunrise peaking over the Cascades, the beaver chewed trees, the beavers passing through, the transcendent chirping of the widgeons, the honking I hear long before the Canada geese land, rippling through the water. I’ve watched the eagle spook the raft …
A Quintessential Seattle Sight
Posted On Apr 14 2016A Quintessential Seattle Sight On my morning constitutional, I saw this heron standing on a post with the Space Needle in the background across Elliot Bay. Fun for me to see and draw – Iconic Seattle. In my book, Color the Sky Yellow: Creative Magic, Playful Art for Your Inner Child, I talk about making your own coloring book by inking in some outlines and then coloring in the rest of the image any way you want. You can see I did just that here. Besides showing you a pretty picture, I want to point out that I colored it …
Review My New Book
Posted On Feb 14 2016I Want Your Help. Please Review My New Book I’ve just published my newest book on Amazon – Color the Sky Yellow: Creative Magic, Playful Art for Your Inner Child. I think you’ll like it. Like most of my other books, this one helps people become enlightened. Naturally, I want to live in a world where people are enlightened vs. a world dominated by fear and fear mongers. I want you to feel more enlightened and happier in your daily life. This book can help. To get Color the Sky Yellow into the most hands, I need Amazon reviews. The …
Beautiful Gifts to Discover the Sacred
Posted On Dec 19 2015Beautiful Gifts to Discover the Sacred Consider giving the print versions of these books at the holiday. Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey Paper Back Version Kindle version Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way to Savor Your Life Paper Back Version Kindle version They’re pretty and fun. More, these books can connect people to the Sacred. What better for the holydays? One or both of these books may be a perfect fit for someone you love. Blessings of the season, William
Drawing Cures Worry
Posted On Jul 30 2015Today’s Oracle My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 182) Everybody asks me what I’m think about when I’m dropping in. You don’t hear anything. You don’t think anything. It just naturally happens. – Shaun White, Olympic Gold Medal Snowboarder You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help. Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down. Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles. Drawing Cures Worry I am a recovering worrywart. Currently, I worry about my daughter, Zoe, who’s selling her …
Your Sketch Is Precious
Posted On Feb 1 2015Your Sketch Is Precious Let me tell you a story. You may know that my dad was a premier art museum director. I grew up in a home with masterpieces everywhere, and the museum, which was Dad’s second home, displayed some of the world’s best art. My mom sketched. She did it for love and never thought much of her skills. Dad framed a small piece of hers. Just one. As they aged, they moved to smaller homes, selling off art on the way. Mom’s sketch made with colored markers remained even into the last and smallest apartment Dad lived …
Sketching & Poetry Kindle Book Giveaway – Now
Posted On Jan 31 2015Sketching & Poetry Kindle Book Giveaway – Now On January 31, 2015, I will commence a giveaway of the Kindle version of my well loved book, Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life Print Version Kindle version. Offer ends February 4th, 2015 midnight Seattle time. Sketching can bring you quickly and easily into your right brain. And by now, you know that’s where you want to be if you want to be connected to the Sacred. If you want to feel peaceful, happy, joyous. And as the title says, “A Magically …
Urban Sketching as Path to Oneness
Posted On Dec 17 2014Urban Sketching as Path to Oneness Can you find the Sacred even in the city? Finding the Sacred in Nature can almost be automatic. The study of awe tells us that when people are confronted by stunning beauty in nature, they go into awe. Their inner chatter quiets. Connection and reverence for all of Life arises. Just as sketching in Nature can feed your soul, urban sketching can be a wonderful way to connect to the Sacred everywhere. Gabriel Campanario, a sketch artist for the Seattle Times, put the term Urban Sketching on the map. I like it. I invite …
He Did Not Get It
Posted On Sep 29 2014He Did Not Get It “The ‘sketches’ were not that great and not at all inspiring,” David Terry said in his Amazon review of my book – Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life. He didn’t get it. The sketches indeed are not great art – that’s the point. This spiritual practice can be done by anyone, not just trained artists. When you sketch, even sketching with little skill, you can deeply enjoy the Sacred Present Moment. And the Present Moment can fill your heart with peace and joy. Look to your …
Crazy No More –Three Practices That Always Work
Posted On Sep 25 2014Three Practices That Always Work First, you suffer, I suffer all God’s children suffer – that is, we get caught in our mental habits of being right or wrong, making other people bad or better than us depending on the flavor of you craziness. Me? I’m just not good enough. Buddhism has a set of four vows, one of them says: The number of delusions are infinite. I vow to penetrate them all. When I feel crazy or delusions hit, these three practices always work to restore me to peace and wholeness. 1. Riding a bike – as long as …
A Trick to Free Your Spirit
Posted On Mar 27 2014Today’s Oracle My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 309) If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. – Buddha Our mind is like a clear glass of water. If we put salt into the water, it becomes salt water; sugar, it becomes sugar water. But originally the water is clear. No thinking, no mind. No mind, no problem. – Seung Sahn You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help. Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you …
Last Day Book Giveaway
Posted On Oct 8 2013Last Day for Book Giveaway This is the last day I will be giving away my Kindle book – Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey . Ends at midnight PDT Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 2013. I love the book and its 39 paintings and drawings. I reveal my heart and soul in each image. · If you like art, you might enjoy Drawing the Sacred. · If you want to learn to draw, this book might inspire you. · If you want motivation to make pilgrimages to Sacred places, this will inspire you. · …
Kindle Book Giveaway Almost Here
Posted On Oct 3 2013Almost here… I promised to let you know about Free Goodies. Here’s a wonderful one: I will be giving away my Kindle book – Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey starting at 12:01 AM PDT on Saturday Oct. 5th, 2013 and ending at midnight PDT Oct. 9th, 2013. The Book Works for Photographers, Too One of the books early readers enjoys the book and finds kinship with it as a photographer. Even if you don’t draw and don’t want to draw you probably carry a camera with you all the time as part …
Free Book Giveaway Coming
Posted On Sep 23 2013Today’s Oracle You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help. Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down. It will be a response to your question. Play with it. Quotations act as little doorways into new worlds and new perceptions. They consist of distilled genius. My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 395) What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the whole universe. – Jallal al-Din Rumi Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun …