Make Something. Make Anything.
Posted On Jun 14 2018If you want to feel better, make something. Make anything. All creativity aligns us with Creation itself, the source of all healing. ~ Martha Beck This sounds right. More, it feels right. I use drawing to bring myself into the Sacred Present Moment. And as I’ve said before on these pages, my current joy is making Zentangles. But… Whatcha think? Whatcha feel? Whatcha know? What making works for you? Making any art connects me to the present moment true enough, and that’s plenty. It also connects me to the Muse. If I want more creative energy, drawing will connect me to …
Quit Resisting Nasty Politicians – What You Resist Persists
Posted On Feb 22 2017This aphorism has stood the test of time – What You Resist Persists We therapists usually think of this as something that plays out in our daily lives – like resisting traffic jams makes me grumpier than if I just go with it. Resisting the current US president or any authoritarian force in your life, ultimately doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for lots of reasons. First you stay in their narrative. They make up the story. They dictate where your mind and heart go, distracting you from what is most important to you. I don’t want you to just give …
Joyous Creativity
Posted On Jul 4 2014Joyous Creativity It’s a delight to watch Linsey Pollak create a playing clarinet from a lovely orange carrot. He’s infectious. May you catch this joy. His shirt and hat make him a great role model for happiness. Walk in beauty, William
Metalsmith – Story of a Maker
Posted On Jul 17 2013Today’s Oracle You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help. Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down. It will be a response to your question. Play with it. Quotations act as little doorways into new worlds and new perceptions. They consist of distilled genius. My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 185) Necessity may be the mother of invention, but play is certainly the father. –Roger von Oech Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles. Metalsmith – Story of a …
It Might Get Loud
Posted On Dec 21 2011The electric guitar. Loud. A documentary. Yuck. Well, no. This must have been an immense challenge to create something worth watching about the electric guitar and rock and roll that could engage you, move you, and inspire you. I have seen and heard this film twice now. It moves me to tears. Makes me chuckle. And I take note. Today, I recommend you get it and do the same. Davis Guggenheim, who won an Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore, directs this visually beautiful film. Here’s how they solved the problem. They got three guitarists from three different …