Quit Resisting Nasty Politicians – What You Resist Persists

Posted On Feb 22 2017 by

This aphorism has stood the test of time – What You Resist Persists We therapists usually think of this as something that plays out in our daily lives – like resisting traffic jams makes me grumpier than if I just go with it. Resisting the current US president or any authoritarian force in your life, ultimately doesn’t work.  It doesn’t work for lots of reasons.  First you stay in their narrative.  They make up the story.  They dictate where your mind and heart go, distracting you from what is most important to you. I don’t want you to just give …

Altar Making Promotional Price

Posted On Sep 21 2012 by

You have heard that I’ve reduced the prices on all my Kindle Books.  It’s true.  They’re all $2.99. (2.99 Euros or 2.99 Pounds)  EXCEPT FOR –… drum roll…   Altar Making: An Active Meditation for Healing Your Heart and for Deepening Spiritual Meaning in Your Life  As a promotion, I have enrolled Altar Making in Kindle Select and dropped the price even further.  It’s now $.99 (.99 Euros — .99 Pounds)  And if you have Amazon Prime, obviously, you can borrow it at no cost because it’s in the Kindle Select program.    Thank You in Advance  Thanks in advance …