The Courage to Change the Things I Can…
Posted On Jun 9 2020God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. The Serenity Prayer In the world of stress and fear, much can be handled by that first line. Not much is really in our control. You can give yourself permission to let go. Not easy, but necessary. Keep repeating. With the murder of George Floyd though, it’s not so easy. Let’s engage the second line – the courage to change the things I can. How has my racism contributed to the incessant killing …
I Am a Canadian
Posted On Jan 24 2018Watch this short video and be astonished. It poses the question –What makes someone a Canadian. I am moved to tears each time I watch. It displays a richness of culture and inclusion that the USA has as well, but currently has forgotten if we are to believe what we see on the news. And if we listen to our minority president. May the blessings and the richness of a diverse culture feed your heart, William
Nature Rx
Posted On Jun 9 2016Enjoy these two fun videos. They’re tongue-in-cheek spoofs of the omnipresent pharmaceutical ads on TV. Spoofs they are, but they advertise a real benefit that research incontrovertibly supports. That’s cool but more importantly – your common sense will recognize the truth. Fact: Nature heals you. Just like medicine, only better. : ) My New Book in Progress I’m writing a book with the working title – Finding Home – How the Love of Place Restores You. I’ll tell you more about this cool book in later posts. Note the on-screen text that zips by in these videos for more humor. …
Big Magic
Posted On Jan 12 2016Big Magic I tried to read massive bestseller, Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I didn’t get very far. So unless my friend, TA, hadn’t passionately recommended Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth G, I would have missed it. Further, TA recommended I listen to it as an audio book because Liz reads it. It feels like an encouraging conversation with an intimate friend especially if she talks directly into your ears through ear buds. I have recommend Big Magic to many clients, my daughters, and Suzanne. I’m on my second time through. First, the book is for …
Best Gifts
Posted On Dec 11 2013Today’s Oracle My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 212) We painted like children in the face of nature. – Henri Matisse You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help. Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down. It will be a response to your question. Play with it. Quotations act as little doorways into new worlds and new perceptions. They consist of distilled genius. Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles. The Best Gifts Mostly, I’m a Grinch about Christmas. …
Labyrinth Insights Free You
Posted On Sep 15 2012My youngest daughter, Sasha, starts attending Washington State University as a 31 year old freshman this week. Worry is not required, but as a recovering worrier, I worry about her. One of the ways I heal myself, make myself more whole, is by making pilgrimages. Often on my pilgrimages, I find and walk labyrinths. Pullman has a wonderful labyrinth on top of a hill with 100 mile vistas looking out over the rolling wheat fields of the Palouse. Just before dawn, I walked the labyrinth each day I was in Pullman helping her move in. These insights came: “A labyrinth …
Posted On Dec 14 2010Blessings The darkest day of the year, Winter Solstice, arrives on December 21st for those in the northern hemisphere. Filled with magic, the light’s renewal causes me to rejoice. How about you? Solstice feels like the energy of the full moon, but multiplied by many big numbers. This powerful energy is part of why people are a bit nuts this time of year. If you align with the energy and celebrate it, it can renew you and restore you. What do you feel and what do you notice? The light in the dark forms a most life affirming notion. Yes? …
Two Doors to Joy
Posted On Oct 23 2010Today, I recommend two on-line courses for your appraisal. They are valuable in their own right – extraordinary in fact. But I recommend them to you as ways to be more present in your daily life.
I recommend them as ways to increase joy and love in your life.
Picture This — A Cosmic Meditation
Posted On Oct 6 2010Picture this – a three year old running, jumping, swinging with endless energy and curiosity – mindless, un-self-conscious, pure Tao expressing, river flowing where it will.
Hubble and Humbling
Posted On Sep 11 2008I talk about perspective often in my letters to you. A picture is worth 1000 words. Music helps, too. This lovely 6:13 minute film by NASA is beautiful and humbling, in a good way. Enjoy, William P.S. Simply Serene – Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace will serve you well if you want some guaranteed ways to become present. I talk about the famous Owl Eyes in depth in this one. Go for it = >
Which Is Sacred? (A 50-Word Mini Saga)
Posted On May 22 2008Which is sacred – The fast-food box floating at the lake edge or the swallows zooming over the surface hunting? Practicing Taiji, my bliss in the present moment deepens while I dance with the darting swallows. The Styrofoam interrupts. How to find the sacred even there? Bobbing beautifully, dazzling light – Ah. (50 words.) Can you hear the heavenly choir in the lawnmower? Can you hear it sing in the leaf blower? (The big park lawn mower was swooping around me as I practiced my morning Taiji as it does each Monday morning. Can …
Regain Your Sanity Instantly
Posted On Mar 27 2008Obviously, you’d like a technique that can restore you to sanity and help you to regain your perspective instantly, right? I have a technique wherein you can instantly shift your perception and become sane and grounded and whole. Well, not quite true. There’s a catch. The shift happens instantly, but you have to be in the right frame of mind to flip the switch. The good news is that if you practice this before you need it, it becomes so fast for you that even when you’re nuts you can go to your special spot and flip the switch to …
Easy Way to Benefit Your Finances and Spaceship
Posted On Feb 27 2008If you use a word processing program, you can save some of your money and spare some vital resources with a simple step. Set the default margins on your paper to a smaller setting. Word and others have a default setting that looks good but wastes valuable paper. My version default is 1.25″. I changed it to 0.75″ on the right and left. If you use metric, change your default to 1 cm less. In MS Word 1. go to File then click Page Setup. 2. You’ll see the margins there. You can change them all. I just changed the right and …
Expand Your Limits the Fun Way February 20th
Posted On Feb 17 2008Every once in a while something comes along that lets you break out of your mundane, day to day perspective. This event is free. And it won’t be repeated for three more years. You want to catch this one. Perspective: Here’s a news flash. You live on a sphere in a solar system. You and I live on Spaceship Earth. How cool is that! It’s the heart of simplicity just look at the moon and watch the sphere of the Spaceship Earth block the sun’s beams of light from caressing the moon. Yes, it’s a total eclipse of the moon …